Yes, ban English in your native tongue used.

This report made me to think of the declining of the language in most languages which has imported the English words, perhaps Latin too.

In Malaysia, the Malay language is losing its beauty. But most of the people, especially the Malays are not realising but they think it is good. Just as Indonesian, also have lost the Malay language.

But it is fine if you want to have a national language and you should include other languages from the same country to make it nationalised. Well, is Indonesia on the way to this ?

But, the Malay in Malaysia is being losing its colour by using English words with Malay spelling. It sounds like Esperanto.

Chinese goverment did the right thing. It is a corrupted act to the language. For English speakers, few are also feeling pains that English has lost its beauty but has included in many foreige words.

Now the Globlish is going to be the next challenge to English. Would the English speakers wanting the language of theirs to be distorted ? If not, stand up and tell the world to use Esperanto.

Many people use 'hello' but not knowing it is not a polite word.

Hong Kong was once and is still mixing the Chinese , Cantonese especially with English translated sounds in it. Look at the Hong Kong cantonese, you don't know what it is but it is rather a 'bastard' language compared to the Cantonese in Guangdong.


  1. And when Malay is 'loosing color' by using Arabic words, you're OK with it? Be consistent.

  2. Elhana, Malay is not my mother tongue. If Malay is your mother, tell the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

    I think you bark up the wrong tree.

    I shall not reply to your non valid replies in future, perhaps, considering to delete it once I see your nick appear.


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