Esperanto 101 for the Lingusitic course students and Lingusits

For many, losing his/her mother tongue is just like throwing away the old towel, he/she can use the new one. He/she can use to the new language and start to adapt to the new culture that the other tribe is using.

Losing of a mother tongue language is like losing a big part of land on earth. But many do not sense it. It is the same in Malaysia that many policy makers are trying to take away the land that other people already have for thousands of years.

Now, Google comes in to do a Samaritan work to join hand to fight to save the 3000 endangered languages. But how much can this be achieved? It would be merely the America part or the world at large. I did not know because Google did not identify the languages that it is going to save. I wish Google does include the minority language in my country—the orang asli or indigenous languages.

I read a few books in the course of my pursuing for my academic studies about Esperanto research. The linguists worked hard to record the last sentence of the language which was going to be disappeared. However, they did not know Esperanto. I was exchanging with an American linguist who is rescuing the dying languages. But she told me she only heard Esperanto when I told her. She doubted very much and I showed her the record from the UNESCO.

It comes to me that all the Linguistic class in the world should include the Esperanto 101 for the students to know what Esperanto is.

Now, this big project of informing the high level people is tough for example in my country. No one would listen to it and no one will spend a minute in search the web. Even Lim Lian Geok Cultural Foundation, a foundation which is protecting the languages, did not reply to my mail.

It should be a way, isn't it ? But how and what to do would be a job for all the Esperantists to think about it.


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