What do you have to worry about Asians ?

There are many insane people busy around the web for talking about Esperanto is not an international language.

Look, ladies and gentlemen, why you self-termed English as international language ? How do you define the phrase international language ? A language use inter the nations ?

Fine, Esperanto has speakers and users in more than 130 countries in the world, wouldn't that be the international language ?

Some would mention Esperanto is Eurocentri. What is the different of learning an imperialism language and a neutral language ? Isn't English is also Eurocentri ?

Who cares ? As long as a language which can save time and money for the people to learn. whether it is Eurocentri or Asiancentri, we could not be bothered. Therefore, halt your silly comments. Let the Asians decide for it.

If you do not know that China International Radio broadcast Esperanto programme daily, I advised you to take a look of it before you continue your non-sensible comment about Esperanto which is recommended by UNESCO. You are talking about the world body is a rubbish tin which housed all the silly researchers and professionals.


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