I care so I speak : Why Esperanto speakers like to do translation?


If you were to do a quick research in Twitter, you would find that many Esperanto speakers like to link the information from their national languages or tribal languages and do the translation.

Of course, as I said before, Esperanto circle is full of language lovers. They are too happy to translate it into Esperanto to :

1. practise Esperanto

2. do charity work for those who are lazy to click the Translate Tweet button

I do not want to discuss about these language lovers. 

Why they or how many Esperanto speakers have asked, why there are no such Esperanto reports?

Why I have to read the translated version?

Some Esperanto speakers said that,translation may misinterpret the content as the United Nations translators also admitted translation from English to other languages have difficulties.

Anyone of you have tried to translate from one language to the others will know the problems especially the idioms from all languages are the hardest to be translated.

If Esperanto wanted to be one of the major languages in the world, the language lovers could help and at the same time could destroy too.

You could see that they prefer to spend them in translation instead of asking some simple questions.

How to stop the destroying from the language lovers?

Right, Esperanto circle should work to start the Esperanto distance university.

Do I have to say more about how DEU help to save the languages, cost of learning in the schools and thus countries can save tons of money in foreign language learning ?

You have all the ideas. 


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