Does city need to have high rise building ?


I never like city but lived in city most of my life time.

It must be a crazy person who does not like city but live in the city for a long time.

Right, it is out of the choice when you had to work and lived in the city. That is the reason why there is the balik kampung scene and even song in that by famous singer, Sudirman.

I enjoyed the fun in the village and saw the suffering of city. The famous architect, Liu Thai Ker TED Talk could not convince me too. Though his idea was good, my question is, should city have many high rise building can only achieve the name city?

Some people went to make a comparision of the Chinese history, the most prosperous era, 清明上河图 said it more. However, did that time had high rise building ?

The earth needs less than 5 billion people. In short, the earth can only sustain that amount of human beings. Do not forget that the earth is also for the other species like insects, animals, funno and floral. This does not include the big amount of species under the water, river, lake, sea.

It is a persona choice of course. Many prefer to live a longer life, but others are happily on the euthanasia list.


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