Yahoo grupo kaj baro de Esperanta grupo

Finfine, la frenezuloj de UKo el UEA  havas nenion en Yahoo.
Iuj baris miajn mesaĝojn en la Yahoo grupo, vi povas vidi en la bildo.

Tiu estas la puno el Dio, kvankam mi ne kredas pri Dio, tiu estas la kialo, ke malbona kaj malvekigo en interreta epoko suferas pri la Yahoo.

Komerca kompanio volas monojn. Ili ne parolas pri amikeco, paco tiuj kiuj senutilaj vortoj.

Lingvo havas nenian efikon pri amikeco, paco. Veku !

La Dio ankaŭ donas signalon al frenezuloj  de UKo kaj IJKo per Kovim19, ke sen UKo kaj IJKo, vi ankaŭ povas vivi bone.

Se la frenezuloj ne povas analizi la problemon de Esperantujo, neniu povas helpi vin. Tiu signifas, ke vi dormas en Esperantujo tre longe. 

La letero el Yahoo por membroj :

Dear Yahoo Group Moderators and Members,


We launched Yahoo Groups 20 years ago to connect people around their shared interests. We helped our users navigate new towns, keep in touch with college friends, learn new skills, and most importantly, build connections they may have lost or never had in the first place. While we could not have been more proud of what we accomplished together, we are reaching out today with heavy hearts to let you know that we have decided to shut down Yahoo Groups on December 15, 2020.


Yahoo Groups has seen a steady decline in usage over the last several years. Over that same period we’ve witnessed unprecedented levels of engagement across our properties as customers seek out premium, trustworthy content. To that end, we must sometimes make difficult decisions regarding products that no longer fit our long-term strategy as we hone our focus on other areas of the business.


Beginning December 15, 2020 the Yahoo Groups website will shut down and members will no longer be able to send or receive emails from Yahoo Groups. We’ve compiled a comprehensive FAQ here that includes alternative providers and information on how this will impact your group content.


Thank you for helping us build one of the earliest digital communities — we’re proud and honored to have forged countless connections over the last 20 years and played a small part in helping build your communities.



The Yahoo Groups team



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