After Kanada, what is next ?
This is how silly politicians are giving the people more problems.
If Esperanto is made as the second language in the country, all people are able to speak and communicate. The country like India, which has more than 20 state official languages, and the Railway company would be unable to train the staff to speak 20 languages.
Everywhere the staff are sent to, there would no communication breakdown.
Go on to waste more money and time to train the staff to speak more languages.
If the politicians are wasting the tax payer for hiring translators, the commercial companies should know that these money should not be wasted.
If the commercial companies push the cost of hiring the translators into the consumers, the consumers should be wise enough to say no to this.
Are you a wise consumer and dare to say NO and pressure the politicians to include the Esperanto as the second language in the country ?
If you do not dare, you are going to lose more.
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