Tibbits: Flow with the river

Interesting to know that the patnership between Panama and China has gone stronger by reading BBC news:

And the Chinese is just taking for a run of money. Why need Chinese Panama? China has good Esperanto speakers than any place on earth.
Panama is moving to make the teaching of Mandarin compulsory in all schools, in recognition of China's growing importance in the world economy.


Yes, money talks, just as what I have said that Esperanto needs money to let it speaks to the world. But how long will the China economy holds ?

The clear sign of this happens in the silly head of the government officers. They are trying to pleased the Chinese, aren't they ?

In the 80s, when the Japnese economy was the top rank, Malaysians were learning Japanese, coupled with the anti British, the LOOK EAST policy created by former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr Tun Mahathir, the rising sun country is the best choice of education despite the yan was soring high, many Malaysian parents still sent their kids to the East of Malaysia.

Besides, Japanese was venturing into the Australia and set up
Bond University.  Now, what is the scene ? Come to take a look of it in Malaysia. Japanese tuition classes closed. With the onslaught of the Japanese TV series and music industries, few sights of the Koniciwa are still avaible.
Panama has important commercial links with China, with bilateral trade running at $1bn (£500m).
This is what the money talks.

The proposed legislation sets out a timeframe of 10 years for Mandarin to be taught in all schools.


  1. Tio monstras multe pri nia nekonscia naturo. Ni nur zorgas pri riĉuloj aŭ fortuloj aŭ pri tiuj, kiujn ni pensas ke estos uzeblaj por ni.

    Mi ne estas kontraŭ de fremd-lingva eduko. Sed anstataŭ de diktati anglan aŭ ĉinan ni devas kuraĝigi lernantojn elekti iu ajn lingvon en la tuta mondo samtempe se ni volas.

    Vi eble diros ke ĝi neeblas aŭ ĝi estos multkosta. Ĝi estus multkosta kaj neebla se ni ne havus interreton. Ni povas uzi interreton, televidilon kaj radion. :)


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