Are you a native speaker of Esperanto ?

I was also once and in fact many times being fooled into the discussion and doubt the native speaker status.

The native speakers of Esperanto, why care for that absurd question ?

Just ask a question, are British all borne to speak English ? If you can find the answer, that would suffice for you to answer the stupid question of Native Speaker of Esperanto.

I do not represent other countries to talk about the native tongue. I could only show the situation in Malaysia. Many would think that Malaysians all are borne to speak Malay. If you think that way, you are wrong. We, in Malaysia, are not all borne to speak Malay, even the Malays are not borne to speak the national type of language Malay. We all have our mother tongue, ranging from Chinese dialects of Guangdong Hua, Min Nan Hua, Ke Jia Hua, Chao Zhou Hua, Hai Nan Hua etc to the local indegeous people. We all have our own tongues. Thus, therefore, there is no native speakers of Malay, if there are, it might be very few.

It goes for China, the 1.3 billions population. Are all Chinese speaking Putong Hua when they are borne ? The answer is similar to the Malaysian context. This has made me believed in Indonesia, Thailand as well as countries in the European countries.

Therefore, the native speakers of English, Chinese Malay etc are merely being coined to the language that they use after going to school and work. I don't speak English or Malay in my days as my communication is largely based in the Chinese community.

For those who are borne with the Esperanto as the mother tongue, please don't feel bad, you are a part of the world. Only the silly linguists would ask for native speakers of Esperanto.


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