A Tale of Two Tongues, inter time and money


The article was published on the 1st of April, 2021.

I thought it was the April fool work. I left it in the unpublished list for more than 6 months because of the date, April 1st, 2021 | Issue One Hundred Thirty-Five

Right, people who are new to Esperanto would keep digging into the history and repeated it again and again without analyse it more thoroughly and provides better image of Esperanto, this article not even touched the resolutions of UNESCO 1954 and 1985 and a declaration of UNWTO,  1980 in Manila.

Esperanto is very much related to the economy in the modern days. If the schools were teaching Esperanto as the foreign language as what the UNESCO resolution was intended, how much would the government save for the salary for the teachers.

Whatever language the country chooses to be the second or foreign language, Esperanto certainly helps to save tons of money. 

Which language on earth can be learnt in 6 months?

Therefore, if you wanted to save more money for your country, you should do a petition to ask your government to list Esperanto as the second language in the primary schools.

Of course, I am keeping my fingers crossed for the forming of Esperanto distance university. That would serve much purposes of Esperanto as the international language.



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