Without justice, there is no peace

Of late, the Esperanto speakers or Esperantists are still talking and even arguing the fact what Esperanto would become.

Some said it is for peace.

Some said it is for the world communication.

Some said it is a part of my life.

Some said it is for fun.

Some said it is for business.

Some said...

Well, the list goes on with different ideas.

Just as someone said the word esperantistoj and esperantoparolantoj and the in English Esperanto speakers and Esperantists. According to wilki definition, Esperantists are those take Esperanto as seious as their life. But for esperantistoj and esperantoparolantoj en Esperanto, I am not sure how they use it for.

It would be that those arguing the Esperanto would be in two camps,one if serious and the other is no.

But of all the above, mostly agree it is the function of peace. Well, a question pop up from my friends that, without peace, can we attain peace ? Even those speaking the same language are still fighting among themselves. From the history to the modern day.

I am speechless. Yes, it is true, isn't it ?

Just to speak the same language without the justice, can we achieve peace ?

What would the future slogan of Esperanto ?

You think about it, but certainly not just the world of peace.


  1. Just because we speak the same language, it does not mean that we necessarily have the same goals. Although Zamenhof hoped that the language would be used to promote peaceful coexistence, he also accepted that having learnt the language, people were free to use it for whatever they wanted to.


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