Esperanto is the 7th official language in United Nations

Do not waste time in fighting for the 7th official language in United Nations.

Now, take a look of how Esperanto will benefit your country if you come together and make Esperanto, the UNESCO recommended language, as the 7th official language in the United Nations.

With the decline of English, more and more former British colonies are switching English to the local languages.

At the internet age, we can watch the meetings and events live online via many social media.

Why UNESCO recommended Esperanto as the international but it did not realise it ? The main reason is the Non-Governmental Organisation which do not respect the UNESCO resolution 1985 Sofia to use Esperanto.

I would like to invite the Bangla speakers to support and make petition to make Esperanto as the 7th official language in the United Nations.

There are several advantages if you support Esperanto as the official language in United Nations. Come back and read more of my blog articles.


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