How many polyglots are rich people ?


I just did a quick search on this topic.

I got few datum about it .

Why polyglots are not rich ?

You could see that, these polyglots are language lovers, or even, my recent research showed that autism children could be very talented in language.

We need to know how a polyglot is defined in the Cambridge dictionary and other information.

By this definition, I am a polyglot too. I spoke many languages, local and written languages, Chinese, English, Malay and Esperanto. I do not feel that I am a polyglot and proud to be one either. It is the system in my country that forces certain people to learn many languages during childhood and the place one live is also a determination reason. I lived in a multi-ethnics area when I was young. I had to communicate with different families.

Child language is not complicated, maybe within 500 words are sufficient to get by. Look at his Cambodian child who was famous via internet and got him a place in China to change his life .

Will he be rich in the future ? I do not want to predict on this. Reality is hard. Money talks more.

Of course, he is lucky to live in internet age which could be easily be known through out the world. Secondly, he is a good piece of promotion material in the commercial aspect. You could see him appearing in many TV shows in China and locally in Cambodia.

The true fact is that polyglots are language lovers. They learn one after another. The fact in Duolingo is testified. Many language lovers are there to learn the language. 

Some even spend 10 years to learn a language. Of course, between the bread and butter and the hobby.

If the polyglot could focus on one or two languages and translate the creative works in the focussed language, the polyglot could get the royalty for 50 years. Of course, if the polyglot could write a book and translate it into other language, all royalties are his own. Look at the Harry Potter and other creative works, you could see that the polyglots could be rich people.

Hobby of language kills their thoughts to be rich. It goes down to spiritual of one person.

I for example, I could translate the creative work into the languages I knew, I did that in Wikipedia for free.

In short, language lover cannot be rich people because money is less attractive than hobby.


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