This message is for the Non-Government Organisations in the world

The data from United Nations of illiteracy seems to be soared up from 250 million people from UNESCO to 750 million people.

Right, how accurate the data is, I leave it for you to ask the relevant authorities in United Nations and UNESCO.

But, what I want to remind you that do respect the UNESCO 1985 resolutions to use Esperanto. You can download it from the UNESCO official website, search, Esperanto, 1985 resolutions.

Since 1954, UNESCO passed two different resolutions to different target groups, the 1954 was targeted to the governments of the member states, however, during that time, many lands were still colonized by different colonizers, namely, Great Britain, France and of course Spain, even till today, there are still lands withhold by United States of America for the military purposes.

1985 resolutions, which is slightly more than 30 years ago, is calling the non-government organisations (NGO) to use Esperanto hoping these organisations would be able to help to eradicate the illiteracy in the world. But the one organization which I want specifically to mention is the World Federation of United NationsAssociations ( WFUNA) , this organization passed the resolution way before the UNESCO 1985 resolution was initiated. But alas, this world organization did not at all use the Esperanto. The resolution of 1979  was in the freezer. Strange, they have the Korean site till today even Ban Ki Moon has left the UN.

Monda Federacio de UN-Asocioj, 1979

Akceptita la 13-an de oktobro 1979.

La 27-a Plena Asembleo de la Monda Federacio de UN-Asocioj

Bonvenigas la traktadon fare de la Prezidanto kaj la Ĝenerala Sekretario de la asocio, kun Universala Esperanto-Asocio,
Agnoskas, ke la komuna internaciismo de membroj de UEA kaj de la UN-Asocioj estas la bazo por estonta kunlaborado,
Invitas ĉiujn UN-Asociojn kunlabori kun Esperanto-asocioj por peti la edukajn instancojn kaj aŭtoritatojn en siaj regnoj enkonduki aŭ plivastigi instruadon de Esperanto.

Of course, if France delegate in League of Nations did not veto the use of Esperanto in 19 centuries , now, this piece of article will not be appearing and the mocking of Esperanto in YouTube or other places will not be in heated arguments.

I certainly place a high hope of World Federation of United Nations Association (WFUNA) to revive their resolution to use Esperanto. Whether the NGO members in the world are able to read this piece of information, it is entirely depending on the luck. If they have the golden heart to save the young people, especially from illiterate, they should table the resolution to use Esperanto.

Learning Esperanto is not difficult, the easiest language needs at least 900 hours to learn it but Esperanto needs below 6 months to be in advanced level. Besides, the Esperanto certificate is CERF standard.

You can try this 12 day course online or download from the Google Play Store, searching, Esperanto in 12 days.


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