Universala Esperanto-Asocio estas NRO en Unesko
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ĉu la esperanto hotelo dungas esperantajn parolantojn ? |
Se UEA ne estas tiel agema en aliaj aferoj, nur esperantaj kongresoj ?
Kiel homoj en la mondo povas koni Esperanton ?
Mi jam multfoje diris, ke UEA devu vivi en la interreta epoko. La kongreso de ĉioj lasu al la lokaj esperantaj grupoj. La celo de UEA estas kunlabori kun aliaj NROj en la mondo aŭ la lokaj NROj en ĉiuj landoj.
Se vi ne vekas en ĉi epoko, vi mortos Esperanton pli kaj pli.
Bojkotas Ukon.
Theme : Which Education Goals for Tomorrow’s Citizens of the World: Is Quality Enough?
This first NGO/UNESCO Forum was organized at the UNESCO Headquarter in France on Monday 23 September on the theme “Which Education Goals for Tomorrow’s Citizens of the World: Is Quality Enough?” .
Declaration of NGO Action Day Against Climate Change
The Declaration of NGO Action Day Against Climate Change is a result of a year-long work by a working group set up by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison committee as a result of the proposal made during the Conference of NGOS in 2014. The Working Group defined the topics to be addressed by this Declaration and then created an online consultation process to have a first round of feedback for the content of the Declaration. Following this an international event on the 6 October including 26 countries and 70 representatives came together to share their actions on Climate Change and also to co-construct the Declaration using a non formal education technique, ‘World Café’ which allowed the whole group to give their inputs for the declaration.
The result of this participative process is a common declaration which aims to reflect the diversity of the NGOs present and the common concerns related to Climate Change
You too can sign your NGO up to this declaration by using this link:http://goo.gl/forms/UoQNrYJK9P
We encourage you to share the Declaration with your networks – your members may also sign up.
Organisations who do not hold official partnership with UNESCO and who are not members of networks in official partnership with UNESCO may sign as a supporting organisation: http://goo.gl/forms/0OmOknq74U
The NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee and the COP21 Working Group will be participating in different events at Le Bourget in the Climate Generations area (Civil Society) of COP21 in order to present the Declaration and to share the work of NGOs active on Climate Change:
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