For Whom the Esperanto serves ?

Of late, I found out that many esperanto speakers in the facebook and twitter are merely the lover of language. They learn it by themselves. They have the sense of proud. Yes. that is the way.

But in the real fact. of course, many are doing it for the people and for the world.

I take it as what Mother Teresa said. don't wait for the government, we do it a bit a day.

 I started to buy things from the vendor who greets Saluton.

Yes, just a word. He got my money. As I have mentioned many times, this is the VSM.

Esperanto has to go for the 3rd phase now. It is not what the peace alone.

‎210 lingvoj en Pacifiko, 170 en Ameriko, 78 en Azio, 46 en Afriko kaj 12 en Eŭropo baldaŭ mortos. Ĉu ni pasive rigardu tiun fenomenon? Ĉu ne la globaliĝo kaj lingva kanibalismo de tutangliĝo kulpas?, Ĉu vi povas trankvile dormi?

Etsuo Miyoshi

Save the languages. Battling with the imperialist language is one and releasing the poor out from the cast is another. I totally agreed with Erinja at lernu as she said:

Also it is biased towards languages from rich countries, because inhabitants of the rich countries have the internet access and the free time to do the translations.


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