
Showing posts from March, 2011

What had happened to French Chamber of Commerce ?

I reproduced the New York Time report in 1921 Kio okazus al la francaj komercistoj ? Kial ili ne uzas esperanton nun ? ========================================================== Paris business men would use Esperanto chamber of commerce committee finds it useful as a code in international trade The New York Times, Published: February 16, 1921 Paris, Feb, 15-- The Paris Chamber of Commerce has taken the initiative in instituting Esperanto classes in all their commercial schools so that students can learn for commercial purposes an auxiliary international language. Before taking this step the chamber appointed a committee to to inquire into the real usefulness of Esperanto, and among other tests they made was to translate a large number of business letters into Esperanto and back into French. It was found that the sense of the letter was no way lost. The committee recommended that Chambers of Commerce in other countries should be asked to institute similar classes in the language...

Esperanto radio Parolumondo is dead

Got this message from the site: La plej bonaj momentoj de “Parolu, Mondo!” dum la jaro 2010 kaj mia lasta partopreno kiel produktanto kaj prezentanto de tiu programo. Mi dankas al ĉiuj vi kaj deziras sanon, pacon kaj amon. Mi ne forlasos Esperanton kaj baldaŭ mi renkontos vin en nova projekto. Ĝis! March 5th was the last programme. Anyone knows the reason behind the closure of the programme ? Brazil, it is a country that start the nation wide learning Esperanto, isn't it ? I wish it would be a short stop and come back witha better one. It is the fact, China is the strongest supporter of Esperanto, look at how the CRI Esperanto change

How Esperanto save the life at airport

Should we make petition for change of the language ? That is the life of many people in the hand of the pilots and controllers. Ya, you may say that they should learn English well. But why not esperanto, low cost and less investment? If you are frequent air traveller, please think twice and act now. Petition, yes, Petition for the change. This paper critically analyzes the use of English as a second language in the field of aviation. International air traffic has played an important role in the recent globalization. Many pilots and air-traffic controllers whose native languages are not English are important part of it. As the common communicative tool, English proficiency is a crucial prerequisite for them to participate in the field. However, fatal accidents due to miscommun...

Esperanto economy--Ekonomio de Esperanto

I would like to apolise for harping in this issue time and again. It cannot stop me for not mentioning this till I see the change of the scene. I was in fact inspired by an advert of Songkran of the important Thailand festival. This annually festival has bring much economy to Thailand. Of course, i left comment in the Esperanto Thailand facebook group but i doubt they would take up the challenge. Now, look at it, all the major festival in your country can be promoted via the Esperanto section. The pink dollar strike again in this Songkran festival. I quick search at the search enginee showed that they have done it many years ago and helped the country to bring in some revenue. Therefore, you can see that if you are the committee members, or just a member of your Esperanto association, please be quick to suggest to your association by doing this. It is not only can help to promote the language but also the economy of the country. One stone kills two birds. If you have Thai frien...

Who control Esperanto/ Kiuj regas Esperanton?

This is a nice topic and I believe the argument will go on till the cows come home. :) If you like to contribute your idea, here it is

Help me, helpu min

I need data on each country in learning English. I got that China is spending 1.45 billion a year in learning English and still cannot command the language. Of course I need the data for Malaysia too. If anyone come across this data, please leave a note. Mi bezonas la datumoj pro kiom da monoj ke via lando registrao uzas por lerni angla lingvo.

For Whom the Esperanto serves ?

Of late, I found out that many esperanto speakers in the facebook and twitter are merely the lover of language. They learn it by themselves. They have the sense of proud. Yes. that is the way. But in the real fact. of course, many are doing it for the people and for the world. I take it as what Mother Teresa said. don't wait for the government, we do it a bit a day.  I started to buy things from the vendor who greets Saluton. Yes, just a word. He got my money. As I have mentioned many times, this is the VSM. Esperanto has to go for the 3rd phase now. It is not what the peace alone. ‎210 lingvoj en Pacifiko, 170 en Ameriko, 78 en Azio, 46 en Afriko kaj 12 en Eŭropo baldaŭ mortos. Ĉu ni pasive rigardu tiun fenomenon? Ĉu ne la globaliĝo kaj lingva kanibalismo de tutangliĝo kulpas?, Ĉu vi povas trankvile dormi? Etsuo Miyoshi Save the languages. Battling with the imperialist language is one and releasing the poor out from the cast is another. I totally agreed with Erinja ...

Stupid question. Stulta demando

Time and again, I was being face by the stupid question. 'How many native speakers Esperanto language has ?' My answer is: 'Can an auxiliary languange have lots of native speakers ?' I think it is meaningless to argue and info these people who never want to use the gift from the God, that is, the brain or head to think. Esperanto is an auxialiary language which is to protect mother tongue to be disappeared due to the dominance from the powerful language. If Esperanto is going to have lots of native speakers, it means that the mother tongue of some tribals are dying very soon. Thus, I urge the esperanto speakers do not have to answer this silly question.

3rd generation of Esperanto speakers should learn Sun Tzu art of war.

I was attending a talk of 'Sun Tzu, Art of War' Talk. But the speaker changed her topic later when she found out those who are attending the talk are majority the students. This prompted me to think of the strategies employed by Esperanto Associations, including the UEA and Esperanto speakers need a 3 rd generation view. I came across many Esperantists writing over and over again that Esperanto has no war. Well, who is going to represent the Esperanto for the war? But, think twice, it is the war of mental. There we are all the time in and out. These esperantists think that Esperanto is learn by willingness. But, how can a person learn willingly if the law in the country prohibit the citizens to learn a foreign language. Strange ? No, it is true though the law does not strictly implemented. The example is Indonesia. In order to get the colonialism out of the country, Indonesia had included this in the law. The cast system in Southern India which prohibit the outcasts to ...