What had happened to French Chamber of Commerce ?
I reproduced the New York Time report in 1921 Kio okazus al la francaj komercistoj ? Kial ili ne uzas esperanton nun ? ========================================================== Paris business men would use Esperanto chamber of commerce committee finds it useful as a code in international trade The New York Times, Published: February 16, 1921 Paris, Feb, 15-- The Paris Chamber of Commerce has taken the initiative in instituting Esperanto classes in all their commercial schools so that students can learn for commercial purposes an auxiliary international language. Before taking this step the chamber appointed a committee to to inquire into the real usefulness of Esperanto, and among other tests they made was to translate a large number of business letters into Esperanto and back into French. It was found that the sense of the letter was no way lost. The committee recommended that Chambers of Commerce in other countries should be asked to institute similar classes in the language...