Tibbits: The Esperanto in European Union looks ...
How much efforts are being done in pushing the Esperanto in the European union ? Got this piece of work from: http://www.antimoon.com/forum/t12270-15.htm ENGLISH IS BEING RESISTED NOT JUST BY THE FRENCH SPEAKERS BUT ALSO BY GERMAN, DUTCH, AND SWEDISH SPEAKERS. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS LINK AND FIND OUT THAT ENGLISH IS NOT REALLY THE ALMIGHTY LANGUAGE AS WHAT OTHER\S THOUGHT! *********************************************************** PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL DIFFICULTIES FOR NGO ACTION FOR LANGUAGE EQUALITY IN A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE David Ferguson Secretary General, European Esperanto Union Delegate of the World Esperanto-Association INTRODUCTION World economic and social interaction favours the use of the English language as a medium of communication in spheres of life that were previously the domain of other "national" languages. However, due to geographical, cultural and linguistic dispersion merely informing participants about language change, and associ...