Comment: What's in a ‘Japanese Adult Cream Pie'?

It is the world ruled by native speakers of English.

Of course, not, it is the media, stupid media and translators who do not know much of translation and got the thing out of hand. Yes, in your English speaking culture, adult and cream have different hinting and this show that your culture is too bad.

The name of new dessert offered by McDonald's in Japan? Otona No Kuriimu Pai (大人のクリームパイ). Available in semi-sweet ‘frommage’ and Belgian chocolate flavors, directly translated, the dessert's name means “Cream Pie for Grownups.” But the English-language Twitterverse preferred a more juvenile translation with pornographic connotations: Adult Cream Pie.

Didn't the Japanese name is translatable ? Look how it sounded Otano No Kuriimu Pai.

Why can't the English speaking circle uses that Japanese sound?

Yes, if you bow your head to the English speaking circle, you only have very limited choice of words to use. The word fuck in English has lengthened to 25 uses.

If you think you do not want that , use Esperanto.

Esperanto community has no such ambiguity. Thus, it is the best business language.

Therefore, the crime is destroyed by the English speakers. The investors in the world, perhaps, you should consider to promote Esperanto more than English.


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