Why the NGOs do not respect the UNESCO resolution 1985 to use Esperanto?

Look at the list below.

How many of them are NGOs? Perhaps all of them are.

Well, they prefer to use English and this cause the world to have 750 millions of illiterates, of which half of them are youth.

Do you see that ? Why UNESCO recommended Esperanto?

It is because Esperanto is easy to learn. Within short period of time, illiteracy will be eradicated. Try the 12 days course of Esperanto free of charge online or download from google play store, search, Learn Esperanto in 12 days


Learning English needs about 3200 hours but learning Esperanto needs about 200 hours. Economy is that great if you know language economy.

It is hoped that the NGOs leaders can wake up from their dream to think English is international language, come down to the earth to save the 750 millions of illiterates. Of course, the number of illiterates are on the rise unless the NGOs can respect the resolution of UNESCO and the tourism industry can respect the Declaration of UNWTO 1980 to use Esperanto.

List of development aid agencies

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_development_aid_agencies angla


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