Esperanto scouting welcomes you

Are you interested in scouting ?

Do not let your love of scouting fade away with your age. The WOSM has the age limit for the scouting movement in member countries.

However, Esperanto scout has no age limit. All are welcome, young and old, as long as you have the love for scouting. Discover your talents via scouting.

If you have missed out scouting life in the past, as long as you are interested, you are welcome too.

Esperanto is easy to learn, with the 12 days course online or mobile phone, just like what the founder of scouting, Lord Baden Powell said, set you go for the world. He encouraged all scouts to learn Esperanto in his “Scouting for Boys” page 202. Some translated version did not include this paragraph.

Free learning sites are many, here is the 12-day course and lernu, multi-lingual site for you

You can also download lernu app in your mobile phone.

Need help ? Contact the group in:

Line : miaesperanto ( English, Malay)

WeChat : novakonto


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