Esperanto is a good product

I was talking to a few friends about business ventures and all of a sudden think of Esperanto gift items.

Well, it is marvelous to find someone has good items here.

I did a few T shirts so that I could promote Esperanto in my neighbourhood. I wore it to many places too. It brightened up the eyes of people for the word ESPERANTO.

My friends asked my a very realistic question.

'Will your esperantists support my business if I produce such products? '

I really cannot reply such a uncertainty question.

From my personal experience, my ten T shirts would took me months to be sold out and it was also under the name of friendship, that is, all sold to my circle of friends.

Well, the cost of my each T shirt is only RM10. Of course, I did not make any profit. Just get back the cost price, for some of them, I even have to make a lose.

Therefore, with millions of Esperanto speakers, there is no survival for esperanto business.

I read in a facebook post and I like that very much.

Esperanto is a good product but bad marketing.

I absolutely agreed with this line.


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