Duolingo discriminates Esperanto

Where is the headquarter of Duolingo ?

You can read in the Wikipedia. 

Why do I say Duolingo discriminate Esperanto ? 

The tactics of Americans is very similar. They do not stop you for the change but they will change to stop your information appearing on the website. I had the experience with the World Scouting Movement Organisation years ago. https://www.scout.org/

The website put the posts of members on the front page. Every new post would appear on the top of the page until the next post took over. There were about 10 posts per day. Of course, not every member liked to write messages because they were not the language lovers. Thus, the post of mine about Esperanto would stay on the front page, at times for a day, two or even three days

Only the administration members discriminate Esperanto. Many youngsters did not have that prejudices about languages as Baden Powell called for peace  and equality. Of course, I listed the called of BP to learn Esperanto and use Esperanto in the scouting world.

The situation was not going for months but only a few weeks. The administration quickly changed the format of the website. Taking the blog page away from the front page. Therefore, the members could not see the word Esperanto. Of course, that time, the Learn Esperanto in 12 days page was not in sight. Otherwise, there would be thousands of scouts learning Esperanto.

Now, let me talk about the Duolingo.

Duolingo commenced with Esperanto for English speakers. It took the world by storm, of course, here the world meant the  community of Duolingo. The members quickly registered for the course of Esperanto. The members did not need to fill any forms however, just scroll down for the language which they want to learn, click and there it went.

In a short period of time, the course of Esperanto reached a million learners. Of course, it was still not as good as the English for Chinese speakers, according to the information, it was in ten days, the course of English for Chinese speakers reach a million of learners. Nothing to be surprised as you know how big the population is in China. Besides, China is throwing the money into the drains as most of the Chinese people do not use English daily. Of course, Chinese government did not block Duolingo. If it did, it would be a few thousands or none at all.

The old system of data of learners in the incubator page https://incubator.duolingo.com/ did not use the word ACTIVE LEARNER. Just as usual, the learners.

Esperanto is easy to learn, many language lovers can easily finish the course. Thus, the learner number will grow bigger and bigger. In order to pull down the number of learners of Esperanto, Duolingo changed the system, it changed from learners to Active Learners. In short, those who have finished the Esperanto course would not be in the active learner data board. People can forever see the Esperanto course falls below 500k mark. However, the difficult language, like English, is forever in millions.

Why many people are afraid of Esperanto ?

You do your research and tell me in the comment section.

If the Esperanto speakers were not crazy for useless universal congress, pull all the resources together to revive the Esperanto university like the AIS, there would be no one could stop the use of Esperanto. 

Of course, the Esperanto speakers were and are part of the sabotage culprits. I shall put up another piece of blog article later when I am in the good mood.

Hopefully, I remember to enlarge the fonts to medium size for easy reading. The blogspot still has no button to choose the fond size by Normal, Big, Large.


  1. It is not honest from Duolingo administration. But esperant pharaos and kings don't do anything to stop that dishonesty.


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